Wednesday, May 26, 2010

part of a wise man

It is the part of a wise man to forget the inevitable calamities of life in the enjoyment of the fleeting hour , that is not mine , that was “Rustan ”  In the days of his time … the emperors being  insecure and extremely paranoid would chop of your head at the very mention of something they viewed as  unpleasant , Rustan  joked that every time he left his masters presence , he had to check if his neck was still holding his head , such were the times they lived in and he would never have guessed that his adage would be as effective then as it is today , only now we hardly check our necks for any reason

I have tried to live under the same philosophy, in this much troubled world , there couldn't be a wiser saying

Wise sayings and all , the folly remains . I sometimes wonder where my intelligence works , perhaps it is on a semi permanent vacation , how is it I make some mistakes more than once ?

Is it unreasonable to expect a different outcome from the same mistakes ? i think a mender of minds is required here , I am not asylum material yet  but this juggling of philosophy , ethics and reason may drive me up the wall , hmm …. what does that mean ? Am I in danger of becoming a spider ?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Just The Average Day Mis-Ads

Everyone has had misadventures, what makes them worthy of memory is the adventure in them without the - mis- . Many are never easily forgotten, they carry a great value of lessons with them, they hold a lot of insight, yet some lessons are still learnt more than once, it is a fool’s errand, thinking you can get different results from some idiotic idea you just pursued, but I dare say, idiocy is human and if we were not idiots … who or what would be?

Misadventures have values; we assess each venture and its lessons and note their merits according to the pain inflicted, whether emotional, physical or monetary and most often than not, the loss is always higher than the last, how that happens is a research I have sworn to undertake [I am hoping this will not be one of those]

Emotional misadventures take a long time to heal, emotions naturally have much deeper wounds, they are not the physical kind and their being tended to is a bit of a quagmire, they require the resources of patience and understanding, whatever that means.

Physical misadventures normally are very easy to heal, though the scars maybe visible, we believe as men that without a scar you were never a scout [or guide to be gender correct] whatever that means again

It is the monetary kind that is extremely frustrating, re-energizing the account is quite an affair, we all agree with this right? While the last two are quite obvious in their manner, it is the first one that does the most damage as it deals with your psyche, the others you can rush over but the emotional you need the skills of a mind enquirer, the physical and monetary you could just have a pint and call it a day

The emotional has very sinister routes; I would avoid this if I were you

While I have had the emotional mis-ads, they are not the ones I wish to bare here; I will address that last two for this is where the action is … where the adventure is

The –mis- just means it did not end well and other than the ending they were adventures like any other

Yeah… well I think I’ll have a double, make that two single doubles